Trails To Tuckerman Historical Society is a non-profit historical organization dedicated to preserving the history for Tuckerman, AR and all of Northren Jackson County. TTHS is considered a 501(c)(3) and all contributions are 100% tax deductable (EIN# 26-1411078).
If you are interested in contibuting to the Trails To Tuckerman Historical Society you may mail donations to: Trails To Tuckerman HS PO Box 976 Tuckerman, AR 72473
You may also drop off donations at: Young's Irrigation & Equipment 810 Highway 67 S Tuckerman, AR 72473
For more information about the Trails To Tuckerman Historical Society, or for more information about the donation process, please contact Vickie Williams at 870.349.2644 (M-F | 8am-5pm) or 870.930.6438. You may also contact us by Clicking Here and using our online contact form.